La tempesta nevosa è passata. Adesso ci attende un aumento delle temperature per il prossimo fine settimana, perciò maniche corte e crema solare pronte ;)
But you know March is crazy, a bad day and a beautiful day! So let us have no illusions! It must be said that here, past February, are all eager to undress and it is not uncommon to see people in summer clothes almost as soon as the sun begins to warm up!
Anyway, we had really cold days, starting last Saturday, so for me it was more pleasant to spend more time in the kitchen! The other day I made my usual toast, bread and sandwiches while yesterday. So I took some 'dough of whole wheat bread, after he made the first rising, and I thought to prepare me a lunch!
I really liked it but next time I'll try only with feta cheese, without adding the Emmental. Yes, because the feta with broccoli, cabbage and sprouts .. for me it becomes an irresistible combination!
I know, be patient, feta often appears in my dishes but it is much used in Greek cuisine and I are now naturalized!
For one person:
- 6-8 brussels sprouts
- 60 g of bread dough (I integral)
- 40 g feta cheese 20 g
- emmethal
- 1 tablespoon of fennel
- salt and pepper extra virgin olive oil
Sbollentare in acqua salata per 5 minuti i cavolini. Stendere con le mani la pasta da pane e rivestire l'interno della cocotte, preventivamente spennellata con un po' d'olio. Schiacciare con la forchetta la feta e aggiungere l'emmethal grattugiato. Sale (attenzione che la feta è salata) e pepe, un po' d'olio e il finocchietto tritato. Mescolare bene e metterne ¾ sul fondo della cocotte, poi disporre i cavolini e sopra il resto dei formaggi. Irrorare con un filo d'olio ed infornare per 35-40 minuti a forno caldo 180°. La prossima volta penso che ci metterò anche un po' d'aglio...
La bianca quiete dopo la tempesta...
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