[review Nico Conti ]
E ' published a few months of signing Yves Bosson (director of photography and photo library' s Agence Martienne ) and Farid Abdelouahab (art historian) is a valuable book :
Yves Bosson & Farid Abdelouahab, "Dictionnaire des mondes visual Extraterrestres" , Flammarion, Paris, September 2010, pp. 287
In this blog I already mentioned works dealing the idea of \u200b\u200b"extraterrestrial" and how it has been building in history since ancient times, but this "dictionary" certainly offers something more in terms of completeness on the subject.
In the past, the theme of "alien" has been treated in several ways from the scientific literature and non, qualche volta ha assunto anche la difficile forma di dizionario, ma mai nessuno si era preso la briga di trattare tutte insieme le diverse narrative (filosofica, scientifica, ufologica, fantascientifica), aggiungendovi un’importante iconografia che in qualche modo richiama il concetto espositivo delle seicentesche Wundercammer .
Siamo confrontati ad un museo dove sono esposti reperti e ricostruzioni degli abitanti di altri pianeti, così come li abbiamo costruiti con i materiali ideologici man mano raccolti nei secoli.
Anche per uno, come il sottoscritto, che non ama il concetto di dizionario, il risultato è davvero degno di attenzione, proprio perché rather than in front of a store in systemic issues, (dis) alphabetical order, the reader is in the condition of those who follow a structured and logical museum (which I saw only the French draw so well in several exhibition events).
It 'hard to think of taking the reading of a dictionary, more than anything else if they see an entry as required. Instead the "Dictionnaire des mondes visual Extraterrestres" can be read consistently from front to back.
is not simply a job because it makes particular reference to the popular anthropological work Pierre Lagrange, Méheust Bertrand, and Michel Meurger, and, for each reference to a very extensive literature.
[available in: http://www.hoepli.it/libro/dictionnaire-visuel-des-mondes-extra-terrestres/9782081202108.asp ]
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