Monday, October 25, 2010

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14 ottobre 2010. LAMPI SOPRA LE NUVOLE

In "Lightning above the clouds, "Alejandro Luque, Ute Ebert and browse more than twenty years of research on TLEs (Transient Luminous Events ), taking stock of the situation and pointing out unresolved issues.
Luque Ebert and draw a short story from 1989 when science takes note of this elusive phenomenon, from the first capture of a random pair of Sprite, which occurred during testing as we know a camera's high-brightness, pointed to a lightning storm.
John R. Winckler (University of Minnesota), he realized he had found something unknown, and this rare phenomenon became part of the class of phenomena of the mesosphere, ionosphere, and soon ended up losing its uniqueness, both quantitatively and qualitatively, came to occupy an increasingly important role in research, physical and chemical phenomena of the atmosphere.
Sprite had been theorized as a phenomenal opportunity in 1925 by Wilson, but scientists had never taken the time to investigate this hypothetical reality, however, already appeared in occasional sporadic evidence, reported in scientific journals.
Luque and Ebert reminds us that to understand Sprite and it must be assumed by the TLE understanding of lightning.
We know that the lightning discharge is developed in three phases. In the first stage, the collision of ice particles and water droplets together with the gravity separating positive and negative charges in the thundercloud. So the download grows, forming a branching streamer-leader named .
E 'on this second phase are now betting that the attention of the research on lightning.
The fact is that in the lightning, including lightning, the electric field is almost always at the back of an order or three below the value of the magnitude required for the breakdown . Therefore, a
simple avalanche ionization, linear, can not develop.
The basic mechanism in these circumstances is provided by so-called "streamers" , a sort of adventurers that open via a non-ionized air, and to consolidate the successive waves of ionization.
The authors explain how these streamers are an important process because of the elusive lightning discharge. The second streamer
that appears is above the temporal form of Sprite, similar to that which opens the way to lightening.
This was confirmed by high-speed shooting, and the photo lab with exposure times of nanoseconds.
The study of sprites, through these recordings and the use of spectroscopy can reveal many secrets of the mesosphere.
Of great help were the search space, which began in 2004, where even the European Research Area (ESA and CNES) have played an important role.
Luque and Ebert also emphasized the importance of computer modeling, which was part of their work since 2009.
An example is the beginning of a Sprite from the HAL (discoid light emission that begins in the lower atmosphere and often precedes the Sprite).
Through their model the authors have suggested that the top of the streamer that generates the Sprite has a negative charge.
Luque e Ebert concludono che ancora molte domande interessanti attendono una risposta: 1) cosa ci dicono gli Sprite sullo stato della mesosfera e della ionosfera? 2) quanti gas-serra sono prodotti da fulmini e Sprite, e a che livello della scarica ciò accade? 3) c'è una relazione tra TGFs ( Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes ) e Sprite? 4) Esistono fenomeni tipo Sprite su altri pianeti?
Evidentemente il tentativo di soluzione di tutti questi quesiti può generare una serie di importanti ricadute tecnologiche.

Luque Alejandro & Ebert Ute, "Lightning above the clouds" , vol. 41, n. 5, riv. Europhysics News, 2010, pp. 19-22

[info Renzo Cabassi; source:]

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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25-27 ottobre 2010. A AMSTERDAM, WORKSHOP SU TLE e TGF

Soon, between 25 and 27 October 2010, will be held in Amsterdam a workshop TLE phenomena (transient luminous events) and TGF (Gamma-ray Flashes Earth). The workshop
E-Canes, ASIM and Taranis , will the data collected by weather balloons, air missions and space missions.
Among the defendants are: Christian Hanuise, Nikolai Ostgard, Jean-Baptiste Renard, Torsten Neubert, Ute Ebert, Alejandro Luque, Sander Nijdam and Li Chao.
will the situation on the campaign Eurosprite developed with comments from the floor during the period 2009-2010.
nmodelizzazioni will be considered and laboratory measurements. The explosions TGF
calls are considered generated by high-energy photons in the atmosphere and are supposed to have a strong relationship with TLE), ie, the family of phenomena SPRITE.
More information about the program and register for the workshop on the website of the CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica ): .

[info: Renzo Cabassi; source: ]

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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It is generally accepted that the phenomenon of the aurora is a luminous phenomenon that science has known for a time in their deeper mechanisms.

Yet periodically adding new pieces in the knowledge of this phenomenon of the atmosphere. These days

news agencies have reported the news last discovery of some researchers contained in a report published in the journal Science (, September 30, 2010 ).

using data from NASA's Themis mission of the satellite have identified that the rapid flash of light bands of the aurora are caused da particelle energetiche provenienti dal vento solare.

Le aurore sono innescate da un coro di onde magnetiche. Questo coro di onde 'canta' a bassissime frequenze:

"Pulsating aurora, a spectacular emission that appears as blinking of the upper atmosphere in the polar regions, is known to be excited by modulated, downward-streaming electrons. Despite its distinctive feature, identifying the driver of the electron precipitation has been a long-standing problem. Using coordinated satellite and ground-based all-sky imager observations from the THEMIS mission, we provide direct evidence that a naturally occurring electromagnetic wave, lower-band chorus, can drive pulsating aurora. Because the waves at a given equatorial location in space correlate with a single pulsating auroral patch in the upper atmosphere, our findings can also be used to constrain magnetic field models with much higher accuracy than has previously been possible"

Y. Nishimura, J. Bortnik, W. Li, RM Thorne, LR Lyons, V. Angelopoulos, SB Mende , JW Bonnell, O. Le Contel, C. Cully, R. Ergun , U. Auster, "Identifying the Drivers of Pulsating Aurora , vol. 330, No 6000, Science magazine , October 1, 2010, pp. 81 to 84.

[Top: image of the aurora taken from Jader Monari, during "Embla 2010" in Hessdalen, Norvegia, settembre 2010 ; filmato: ]

Friday, October 15, 2010

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In queste pagine ho già accennato al lavoro di catalogazione dello studioso spagnolo Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, circa foto e filmati di UFO ( qui nel senso di non-identificato) che sono stati accumulati negli anni dagli ufologi di tutto il mondo.
Questo materiale fotografico lungi da essere una prova dell'esistenza di visitatori extraterestri, ha rilevante importanza come documento (non solo storico) e possiede un particolare fascino.
In questo ultimo periodo Ballester Olmos, attraverso il suo blog FOTOCAT , ha aperto A new dossier about the photographic material on French territory, indicating the method used. In his
"AN APPROACH TO UFO PICTURES IN FRANCE" ( Report No 6, pp. 38) place primarily a series of statistical analysis (distribution of annual hours in the day, etc..) And a comparison with the material collected in other countries.
There is also the aspect identification and analysis of the collected material, especially with regard to errors and false perception.
Finally in Appendix we find the most fascinating part of its analysis, where he is shown among other things, a very curious series of photos taken on February 6, 1982 of a phenomenon light in the pond in Guerande Sadun (picture published in No. 229-230 on the cover of UFO Lumiere Dans La Nuit, 1982).
If the witness was sincere it could be false lights or alternatively, as explained by Ballester Olmos, a ball lightning. The items at a few meters were 4 bright balls of about 50 cm that had sprung from nowhere, and that the twenty Gérard Beneteau was immortalized in a series of shots (p. 30).

[Source: Blog by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, ; ]

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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The digital magazine Fortean Times has recently published in the August 2010 a short article about weird phenomena of light, written by the scholar Theo Paijmans.
This is a series of varied historical references to stories that should be placed under the heading of "spook lights" , according to the indication of Paijamans. The
"spook lights" is a popular term that refers to American mysterious lights seen in a place applicant, we call them "ghost lights" as they really were called in Italy some lights in between 800 and 900: see for example lights Berbenno . In his article
"Sentient Fireballs and Biting Lighs" , Pijamans In particular, those that seem intelligent and sometimes aggressive behavior.
Some of these were previously placed in the category, very broad, 's "ignis fatuus" , the false lights, of which today we know very little. Today, perhaps with a certain probability that a number of these stories could be attributed to the behavior of a category as vague as that of "ball lightning".
It reminds us of the author, some of these cases could be experienced, since 1947, as UFO cases.

[Info: mailing-list-exchange Magone ; immagine di Sybille Delacroix tratta da Fortean Times , n. 266, agosto 2010]

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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Il 9 maggio 2009 il blog ufologico australiano ( http://www.ufo-blogger.c om/) divulga una spettacolare notizia, che ancora oggi continua a circolare su siti e mailing list di appassionati Ufo.
Nel dicembre del 2008 sarebbe stato ricevuto un segnale extraterrestre via laser proveniente dal sistema solare Gliese 581 ed in particolare dal pianeta Gliese 581 E.
Questo segnale sarebbe stato subito denominato " Ragbir Bhathal Gliese Alien Signal" , come l'omonimo Ragbir Bhathal, un Australian astrophysicist dell'unversità "University of Western Sydney Macarthur" , which was also granted an interview to that blog.
It would have been an anomaly laser light collection in a single isolated case.
But the real news, which connects to the alien message is that NASA would have detected a habitable planet Gliese 581 in the same system: Gliese 581 G, a planet that is not too hot nor too cold, and then allow the life .
on this blog is stated that in 2007 it was discovered Gliese 581 is that the researchers had put in turmoil due to the fact that it was at the planet most like Earth. Then six more planets were discovered around the star Gliese 581.
Finally in April 2009 would have been the discovery of Gliese 581 G, the planet most like ours so far identified.
All this news, as I have summarized and issued by the Australian UFO blog would be taken, without supervision, from ' article "Watch the space" published on "The Australian" May 9, 2009 and then Reworked. Indeed
Ragbir Bhathal found no laser signal is not identified, much less from Gliese 581 E.
So the important discovery of a possibly habitable planet Gliese 581 G, was outclassed by an endless series of noise due to cut-paste news uncontrolled e distorte.
E se Gliese 581 G, il pianeta abitabile , nemmeno esistesse?

[fonti: ; ; ; ;
e lo stesso blog dell'astronomo spagnolo Daniel Marin, in data di oggi 12 ottobre 2010: ]

Friday, October 1, 2010

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is about to be published (target date October 28, 2010) a book on celestial wonders seen in optical UFO:
Jacques Vallée & Aubeck Chris , "Wonders in the Sky : Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times ", Tarcher, 2010, pp. 528
The French computer Vallée, who needs no introduction, had become popular among ufologists with his book of 1969, "Passport to Magonia" , which reviews some historical narratives and folklore by the relationship with the modern narrative of UFOs, and noting the similarity.
His hypotheses about UFOs called "paraphyses" revealed a deception: our culture today tended to translate the testimonies Ufo in terms of extraterrestrial visitation, whereas they were always here in the form of paranormal presence, un mondo che si affianca al nostro molto simile, per certi versi, a quello che aveva disegnato lo studioso dell'insolito Charles Fort (che ancora non poteva parlare di Ufo).
Aubeck è uno studioso americano che in questi anni ha raccolto una serie molto ampia di casi di fenomeni aerei inspiegati che risalgono all'epoca precedente gli Ufo, ossia prima del 1947.
In questo libro vengono riportati 500 eventi selezionati a partire dai tempi biblici.

[Info: Mailing-list magonia_exchange ; disponibile in: ]