The article by Paiva and Taft, "A hypothetical mechanism of dusty plasma Hessdalem lights" , just published by " Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics" , is one of the few scientific articles dealing with the lights Hessdalen. We must remember that
Paiva is the scholar who, a few years ago, managed to play some mini-plasmoids in the laboratory.
The authors begin with an introduction to the different characteristics identified by witnesses and photographs of the lights, as indicated in particular from an article by Massimo Teodorani (2004). Teodorani I also spoke with clusters of lights and di una luce a forma geometrica di parellelepipedo (vedi: "A Long-Term Scientific Survey of the Hessdalen Phenomenon” ) .
In "A hypothetical dusty plasma..." v engono anche indicate le poche controverse misurazioni fin qui raccolte; spikes nella banda radio delle HF e delle VLF, tracce radar in presenza di fenomeni "non visibili" (e gli Autori aggiungono "... o deboli"), e avvistamenti con sistemi di visione notturna (700-1000 nm).
Gli Autori citano alcune le "teorie" fin qui menzionate, ipotesi che però non riescono a rendere conto di quanto riportato (e in alcuni casi in contraddizione tra loro); in particolare le Hessdalen Lights sarebbero dovute To:
a) a combustion process in the atmosphere, unknown, involving dust clouds in the valley containing scandium (Bjorn, 2007: see: " Optical spectrum analysis of the Hessdalen Phenomenon. Preliminary Report June 2007 " )
b) generated by the piezoelectric stress of the rocks (Takaki, Ikeya, 2008);
c) misinterpretation of astronomical bodies, airplanes, car headlights and mirages (Leone, 2003).
It 'good to remember that Leo (2003) conclude that while a misiterpretazione of the comments made during the mission Italian Norwegian EMBLA 2002, had personally collected from the citizens of Hessdalen a series of narratives that made him suggest the need to continue to undertake specific studies, and better defined, in the field of anomalous aerial phenomena observed in Hessdalen (see: "A rebuttal of EMBLA 2002 report on the optical survey in Hessdalen "). So the hypothesis
Leone is to be understood more as a methodological analysis of individual cases that the denial of a luminous phenomenon in Hessdalen.
Paiva and Taft, abstracting from this particular debate, then proceed in trying to demonstrate that the model "dusty plasma" fails to account for all the formal characteristics, behavioral, and color that have been attributed to the lights Hessdalen during observation missions.
The two authors point out that in 1994, some laboratory experiments have found simultaneous separately "plasma crystals", also called "Coulomb crystal" (Thomas et al; Chu & I).
When a plasma is in contact with a cloud of extremely fine grains of dust, grains immediately acquire an electrical charge, sucking electrons from the plasma that surrounds them to form a core of electrons, which in turn attracts positively charged ions in the plasma itself, gives rise to what have been called "plasma crystals" (1).
is the formation of crystals of structured particles of powder in a gas discharge. Taft
Paiva and suggest a model based on a cluster of macroscopic "plasma crystals" in a dust plasma, due to ionization of air and dust, by means of alpha particles during the decay of radon gas.
Radon is widely present in Norway, while the dust of the valley would be (as suggested by a spectrogram of HL) thortveitite, a very common mineral. The
thortveitite no luminescence, and then the luminous phenomenon is due to the ionization of alpha particles in the crystal.
Paiva GS & Taft CA, "A hypothetical mechanism of dusty plasma Hessdalen lights" , rev. "Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics" , vol. 72, n. 16, ottobre 2010, pp. 1200-1203.
Paiva is the scholar who, a few years ago, managed to play some mini-plasmoids in the laboratory.
The authors begin with an introduction to the different characteristics identified by witnesses and photographs of the lights, as indicated in particular from an article by Massimo Teodorani (2004). Teodorani I also spoke with clusters of lights and di una luce a forma geometrica di parellelepipedo (vedi: "A Long-Term Scientific Survey of the Hessdalen Phenomenon” ) .
In "A hypothetical dusty plasma..." v engono anche indicate le poche controverse misurazioni fin qui raccolte; spikes nella banda radio delle HF e delle VLF, tracce radar in presenza di fenomeni "non visibili" (e gli Autori aggiungono "... o deboli"), e avvistamenti con sistemi di visione notturna (700-1000 nm).
Gli Autori citano alcune le "teorie" fin qui menzionate, ipotesi che però non riescono a rendere conto di quanto riportato (e in alcuni casi in contraddizione tra loro); in particolare le Hessdalen Lights sarebbero dovute To:
a) a combustion process in the atmosphere, unknown, involving dust clouds in the valley containing scandium (Bjorn, 2007: see: " Optical spectrum analysis of the Hessdalen Phenomenon. Preliminary Report June 2007 " )
b) generated by the piezoelectric stress of the rocks (Takaki, Ikeya, 2008);
c) misinterpretation of astronomical bodies, airplanes, car headlights and mirages (Leone, 2003).
It 'good to remember that Leo (2003) conclude that while a misiterpretazione of the comments made during the mission Italian Norwegian EMBLA 2002, had personally collected from the citizens of Hessdalen a series of narratives that made him suggest the need to continue to undertake specific studies, and better defined, in the field of anomalous aerial phenomena observed in Hessdalen (see: "A rebuttal of EMBLA 2002 report on the optical survey in Hessdalen "). So the hypothesis
Leone is to be understood more as a methodological analysis of individual cases that the denial of a luminous phenomenon in Hessdalen.
Paiva and Taft, abstracting from this particular debate, then proceed in trying to demonstrate that the model "dusty plasma" fails to account for all the formal characteristics, behavioral, and color that have been attributed to the lights Hessdalen during observation missions.
The two authors point out that in 1994, some laboratory experiments have found simultaneous separately "plasma crystals", also called "Coulomb crystal" (Thomas et al; Chu & I).
When a plasma is in contact with a cloud of extremely fine grains of dust, grains immediately acquire an electrical charge, sucking electrons from the plasma that surrounds them to form a core of electrons, which in turn attracts positively charged ions in the plasma itself, gives rise to what have been called "plasma crystals" (1).
is the formation of crystals of structured particles of powder in a gas discharge. Taft
Paiva and suggest a model based on a cluster of macroscopic "plasma crystals" in a dust plasma, due to ionization of air and dust, by means of alpha particles during the decay of radon gas.
Radon is widely present in Norway, while the dust of the valley would be (as suggested by a spectrogram of HL) thortveitite, a very common mineral. The
thortveitite no luminescence, and then the luminous phenomenon is due to the ionization of alpha particles in the crystal.
Paiva GS & Taft CA, "A hypothetical mechanism of dusty plasma Hessdalen lights" , rev. "Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics" , vol. 72, n. 16, ottobre 2010, pp. 1200-1203.
1) Teodorani Massimo, "Plasmi viventi" , riv. "Scienza e Conoscenza" , n. 23, febbraio 2008, pp. 30-35.
E' interessante notare come in questo articolo divulgativo Teodorani parli di "cristalli di plasma" come possibile spiegazione delle luci Hessdalen-like .
Teodorani, però, si riferisce al modello computazionale di Tsytovich et Al., del 2007 (vedi: ) .
1) Teodorani Massimo, "Plasmi viventi" , riv. "Scienza e Conoscenza" , n. 23, febbraio 2008, pp. 30-35.
E' interessante notare come in questo articolo divulgativo Teodorani parli di "cristalli di plasma" come possibile spiegazione delle luci Hessdalen-like .
Teodorani, però, si riferisce al modello computazionale di Tsytovich et Al., del 2007 (vedi: ) .